Pathways Day Service

Pathways Day Service is run by Sue Nutting and Lynne Robinson and is attended by clients with learning difficulties.

Sue and Lynne previously worked at Malvern Hills College with young people with learning difficulties and disabilities. Sue taught Health and Social Care, Forest School, Horticulture and Work Skills and was Manager of the Learning Disability Teaching Team. Lynne taught catering and basic skills and was Course Manager for the Bridging group, young people with severe learning difficulties.

From 2006 to 2010 Sue and Lynne brought students to Three Counties Showground to take part in ‘Forest School’ activities and catering sessions providing lunches for Three Counties staff meetings.

In 2010 Sue and Lynne went into partnership to start a day service for some of the young people who were leaving college and whom had no job prospects or day service available which could meet their needs.  They saw an opportunity to partner with Three Counties to maintain the Learning Garden and create a work environment for the young people and also a visitor attraction at the Three Counties events.

Pathways Day Service was formed in September 2011 – a place where young people could experience different paths of work to feel fulfilled and part of the community.

Pathways have developed the Learning Garden, taking on a different theme each year to make it interesting for visitors and putting on a range of children’s activities at each show to encourage children to engage in the world of nature, agriculture and horticulture.

At present Pathways have six clients whom have a wide range of learning difficulties and disabilities. The clients see Pathways and the Three Counties as their place of work and take great pride in the work they do, knowing it is bringing joy to other people and they feel part of the Three Counties community.

In 2017, Pathways moved to their new garden, by the lake on the showground, which they have continued to develop and establish, while the former Learning Garden has become a new resource, the Health and Wellbeing Garden.

You can catch up with Pathways Day Service in the Health and Wellbeing Garden, or down by the lake, at many of the Three Counties events where they serve refreshments and cakes.  The money raised from selling the refreshments goes towards taking the young adults on short breaks and to social events as a reward for their hard work maintaining the gardens.